some weird relation with the early 2000s where i fucking hate it but also kinda like it. the music lyrics of punk rock from the 2000s really fuckin suck, though, thats for sure. my interest in that time period is the reason why i made this website in the first place. i wouldnt say i like it, definitely not, i really hate it, but i kind of feel welcome in that style. feel like ive always been drawn towards that shit, just didnt know it? i mean, id bash a goth's brains in if i ever saw one, but their style is also kind of cool. what am i supposed to say? that yeah, id probably buy some cool ass clothes from hot topic and try them on, wouldnt be fuckin happy about buying anything from hot topic. they got some pretty cool skirts. ugly hair, most of the styles from the 2000s, but theres some cool shit. cyberpunks style definitely seems influenced by the decade. has fucking punk in the name. i even make fucking videos on my shitty little youtube channel using software from the 2000s. is it really so much for a man to ask for to look like a punk ass bitch girl from 17 years ago? i want to look like them, dont want to act like them. hard to sit down and say, what is the person that i want to be. especially when that person might not be possible. going to write a ya novel set in alternate history 2005 bout a punk bitch. post apocalypse ADD MORE TO THIS